Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Friday, November 9, 2012

Lol we're 16, naive, quick to judge and looking for the easier way out. We're all learning and growing and at the same time breaking apart - piece by piece. But it's always ok in the end... most of the time. We'll eventually learn to trust our friends, not be so quick to assume, not to fall into temptation, not to put others down to make ourselves feel better, not be so emotional. One day. But for now - this is teenage life. So let's deal with it the best we can by making sure OURSELVES are okay first. Not okay... just in line with our values i guess? We're learning... but heck we need to open our eyes. Jayne you need to open your eyes. 

- December 18th 2013 -
Crazy crazy crazy. One and a half years later and half of it still seems so relevant. Helllllo everyone. What a crazy few months...